Sunday 29 July 2018


Something in me has shifted this year.

I am feeling quietly confident about my studies. Until now I would be tied up in knots about failing this or that course and obsessing about the possibility of making into the honours program for 4th year.

I have spent an amazing amount of time in my own head. Part of that has been out of habit. 8 years of living with sudden death hanging over my head, ever increasing symptoms and illness not to mention pain, caused me to be isolated physically, emotionally and psychologically from other people. Some of that extended beyond illness into my recovery as I experienced things I was cognitively unable to express to the outside world, or communication was such a struggle that it was too hard to share with anyone other than my poor long suffering husband.

As I continue to experience these 'light bulb' moments I will be writing them up here rather than talking the ears off my exceptionally tolerant lecturers and tutors!
